The Midlife and Clueless Show

Midlife & Clueless is a weekly podcast show that talks about topics we all think about but don’t dare talk about in the open lest we be judged, or get into an online squabble with keyboard warriors. We ask that audiences who take part in the dialogue in M&C to do so with an open mind. Take what works for you, and archive what doesn’t.

Check out the podcast, subscribe, and share it.

If you fancy reading, we have blog entries and social posts that complement our podcast discussion.

Season 1 Episodes

Ep 12: What Are Your Dreams?

The No-BS Guide to Chasing What Matters

Ep 11: How to Detect Bullshit

A Comprehensive Guide

Ep 10: How Not to Be a Doormat

Taking Control of Your Interpersonal Relationships

Ep 9: Identifying and Dealing with Gaslighting

A Comprehensive Guide

Ep 8: How to Say Yes

Embracing Opportunities with Confidence and Grace

Ep 7: The Art of Saying No

A Guide to Assertiveness and Setting Boundaries

Ep 6: How to Declutter Your Life

A Guide to Simplifying and Finding Balance

Ep 5: Why We Need to Be Somebody

The Importance of Identity and Purpose in Life

Ep 4: Why Authenticity is Just a Buzzword

A Closer Look at the Evidence

Ep 3: Why “Be Yourself” Might be the Worst Advice

A Psychological Perspective

Ep 2: The Power of Expectations

Why There is Nothing Wrong with Expectations From Self or Others

Ep 1: Time to Man Up

Embracing Personal Growth and Achieving Success

Ep 0: Decoding Happiness and Joy

Unveiling the Distinctions and Unlocking the Secrets to a Life of Significance and Purpose