EPisode 3

Why “Be Yourself” Might be the Worst Advice

A Psychological Perspective

“Be yourself.” Sounds easy, right? Wrong. It’s one of those sayings that gets thrown around a lot, but honestly, it’s not that helpful. Think about it – if you’re in the middle of figuring out your life, how are you supposed to know what ‘being yourself’ even means?

This episode, Eugene and Jones are calling out this overused advice. We’re tearing down the myth and getting real about what it actually means. Is it useful? Or just a lazy way to say “you’re on your own”? And let’s talk about the pressure it puts on us. As if life wasn’t complicated enough, now we’ve got to be experts at being ourselves too?

We’re going straight to the heart of the matter, using our own stories and those from others in the same boat. We’re not just questioning this advice; we’re asking what we should be doing instead.

Here’s the deal: Figuring out who you are isn’t a one-time thing. It’s a constant journey. Sometimes, ‘be yourself’ is more about rolling with the changes than nailing down who you are.

Join us on our podcast for a no-nonsense chat. Let’s all figure this out together – one honest, blunt conversation at a time.

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The Midlife and Clueless Show

Midlife & Clueless is a weekly podcast show that talks about topics we all think about but don’t dare talk about in the open lest we be judged, or get into an online squabble with keyboard warriors. We ask that audiences who take part in the dialogue in M&C to do so with an open mind. Take what works for you, and archive what doesn’t.

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