EPisode 6

How to Declutter Your Life

A Guide to Simplifying and Finding Balance

Tired of drowning in a sea of chaos, both physically and mentally? This episode isn’t just another minimalist manifesto. Eugene and Jones are here to tear apart the cluttered mess we call ‘life’ and rebuild it piece by piece.

Many people get lost in the daily grind and hustle, always dealing with the list of top priority items that never seem to end. Then if we are lucky, we get fourteen days of undisturbed leave to unwind, but if you are a parent, then that fourteen days is spent getting even more stressed by dealing with an unreasonable spouse and ungrateful kids.

Many sites talk about the importance of having “me” time which can sound quite high concept from the surface; but this is where Eugene and Jones come in to strip away the buzzwords and get you started on finding your equilibrium; your balance.

If you’re ready for a no-BS approach to simplifying your life, this is the episode for you. Tune in, strip away the nonsense, and start finding the balance you’ve been craving.

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The Midlife and Clueless Show

Midlife & Clueless is a weekly podcast show that talks about topics we all think about but don’t dare talk about in the open lest we be judged, or get into an online squabble with keyboard warriors. We ask that audiences who take part in the dialogue in M&C to do so with an open mind. Take what works for you, and archive what doesn’t.

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