EPisode 1

Time to Man Up

Embracing Personal Growth and Achieving Success

“Time to man up!” Yeah, we hear that all the damned time. “A mature man embraces personal growth.”


Being midlife, the only personal growth most of us are seeing are the size of our waistline.

Doesn’t it just grate on your nerves when people speak in high concepts expecting you to understand?

What Eugene and Jones do in this podcast episode is to breakdown what it means to “man up” and what personal growth means to each of them and how they managed to shift their optics and that changed everything.

Here’s a tip: Don’t listen to the BS that’s being put out there telling you what a real man is. You have to know yourself, your boundaries, and what that personal growth journey means to you.

Have a listen to our podcast and join the community of other equally midlife and clueless folks trying to do better.

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The Midlife and Clueless Show

Midlife & Clueless is a weekly podcast show that talks about topics we all think about but don’t dare talk about in the open lest we be judged, or get into an online squabble with keyboard warriors. We ask that audiences who take part in the dialogue in M&C to do so with an open mind. Take what works for you, and archive what doesn’t.

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